Battersea Bartitsu (London, UK)

  • Originally published on the site on Saturday, 11th June 2011

Announcing a new Bartitsu study group based in Battersea, S.W. London. Training is free and interested parties should contact the organisers for details.

Week A (alternate weeks from 19.06.11): “Canonical Bartitsu”Stretching and work with Indian Clubs – Canonical Bartitsu – the jiujitsu-based sequences published in Pearson’s Magazine – Supplementary jiujitsu techniques from Wm. Garrud’s Complete Jiujitsuan – Defense dans la Rue – Pugilism (fisticuffs) – Sparring

Week B (alternate weeks from 26.06.11): Vigny Canne plus GrapplingStretching and work with Indian Clubs – Vigny Canne “Closing manoeuvres”, originally published as sequences e.g. “How to Overcome the Advantage of an Assailant who Attacks You with a Stout Stick when You are carrying only a Light cane.” Basically, how to get in close without being hit and apply locks, throws, etc. – Grappling, working from Banned From Boxing! by Kirk Lawson.

All participants will need to start with is some form of hand protection for padwork like hand wraps and/or light boxer’s bagwork gloves or MMA gloves. Spare canes are available for participants to use.

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