Video from the 2011 Bartitsu School of Arms and Physical Culture

  • Originally published on the site on Sunday, 11th September 2011
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Winner of the Art of Manliness Pose Contest

  • Originally published on the site on Sunday, 11th September 2011

Congratulations to Alexander Nels Elofson, whose extremely manly fisticuffs pose won the Art of Manliness website’s pose photo contest.

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Sherlock’s Bartitsu Stick Fighting

  • Originally published on the site on Wednesday, 14th September 2011

Spanish illustrator Luis Miguez’s renditions of Sherlock Holmes in various Bartitsu-inspired “attitudes of defence”:

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“Lost Martial Art” Documentary Now Available from Amazon

  • Originally published on the site on Wednesday, 14th September 2011

The documentary Bartitsu: The Lost Martial Art of Sherlock Holmes is now available via You can read an interview about the documentary and its production here and watch the trailer right here:

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Report on Bartitsu at the 2011 Western Martial Arts Workshop

  • Originally published on the site on Monday, 19th September 2011

Instructor Tony Wolf ran a series of Bartitsu classes at the recent 4-day Western Martial Arts Workshop in Racine, Wisconsin.

The first session on Thursday morning was an introduction to Bartitsu as a cross-training method.

After a precis of Bartitsu’s colourful history, participants practiced strolling around the room as Victorian ladies and gentlemen, sticks and parasols in hand. This segued into a demonstration and discussion of triangular posture and skeletal alignment, re. founder E.W. Barton-Wright’s first principle of maintaining one’s own structure while disrupting the opponent’s equilibrium. This was practiced first in “freestyle”, experimental fashion, then specifically as a sampling of linear c1900 boxing punches, making controlled contact and “pressing through” to slightly push the training partner off balance.

Next up was a simple attack/defence/counter low kicking drill, in which the coup de pied bas kick was evaded and then countered with a low chasse. Then the kicks were integrated back into the punching exercises, so that everyone began to develop a sense of c1900 kickboxing.

The remainder of the three-hour class was spent first learning representative canonical jujitsu and cane sequences, and then “mixing them up” on the assumption that something goes wrong with the pre-set sequence, with the opponent muscling through or otherwise foiling the defender’s “plan”. The challenge was then to work improvisationally to regain the initiative and bring the opponent under control, sometimes within certain restrictions. For example, if the canonical jujitsu sequence was interrupted by the uncooperative opponent, the defender’s challenge might be to flow directly into (kick)boxing strikes to regain the advantage.

The practice of alternating between, for example, jujitsu and stick sequences helped the participants grasp the holistic nature of Bartitsu as a self defence training method, rather than as a series of discrete components. Likewise, the constant emphasis upon re-integrating previously learned material into “new” scenarios generated by the opponent’s unpredictable actions, which took participants to the brink of sparring.

On Saturday Wolf and his co-host, “Professor X”, introduced an Assault at Arms as pre-banquet entertainment. This was a lightly-tongue-in-cheek event running half an hour, including an introduction to the history of the Assault at Arms, a series of exhibition bouts in suitably c1900 antagonistics including foil, military sabre and French canne/baton and also a short display of Bartitsu as self defence for the Edwardian gentleman about town. The Assault at Arms came to a somewhat spectacular conclusion when a rogue Suffragette began haranguing the audience; she then proceeded to Suffrajitsu one of the hapless moderators as he attempted to put her in her proper place.

The final Bartitsu class took place on Sunday afternoon, and was on the theme Belabour him as you see fit: Bartitsu combat improvisation. This was an experimental format of progressively adding new elements to a basic movement drill, so that participants could improvisationally explore a wide variety of unbalancing options. The same ethos was then applied to a selection of the canonical stick fighting sequences, as a method of training in thinking and moving outside the “box” of the formal canonical Bartitsu set-plays.

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“A Fight in the Gymnasium”

  • Originally published on the site on Thursday, 29th September 2011

A curious illustration of unknown provenance, presumably from a circa 1900 book or “Boy’s Own” magazine story.

Either the fellow in the red shirt is far stronger than he looks, or his blue-shirted opponent is an acrobat of astounding agility. Perhaps both …

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“Chinese Fighting: Part of a Gentleman’s Education” (1845)

  • Originally published on the site on Saturday, 19th November 2011

For some time prior to the introduction of Bartitsu in London, Western travellers offered reports on the curious fighting skills they had encountered in Asia. Published in the year 1845, this cartoon from the French magazine Le Charivari may be among the earliest graphical depictions of Chinese martial arts in Western media, though it’s very likely adapted from a cartoon of two savateurs in training.

The caption reads:

Young Chinese in Beijing’s high society do not cultivate only the art of the hunting horn, they learn also to give … punches and booted kicks to the pit of the stomach. This talent is called savate and it is cultivated with the greatest success by all those who wish to gain a good footing in society.

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Guard by Distance

  • Originally published on the site on Sunday, 20th November 2011

Instructor George Stokoe of the Battersea Bartitsu Study Group demonstrates the classic “guard by distance” tactic.

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Bartitsu at TeslaCon 2011

  • Originally published on the site on Sunday, 20th November 2011

A report from instructor Allen Reed on his recent introductory Bartitsu seminar at the TeslaCon steampunk convention in Madison, Wisconsin. Allen will also be teaching a Bartitsu workshop in early 2012.

I drove up to Madison, WI Saturday morning (about a 90 minute drive) to teach my Bartitsu class. The class was scheduled for 10 AM and the room filled rapidly with steampunk fans who wanted to learn about Bartitsu. I was very lucky that Bruce and Bonnie Aller, two good friends and fellow WMA students, were there so I could use them as teaching assistants.

I gave a short introduction to Bartitsu and Barton-Wright and then started working on pugilism. We worked on the left lead and right rear punches and then got into blocking a right rear and then countering with a right rear punch. I then had the group work on blocking a right rear with a right elbow and then use a chopper as a counter. I finished the pugilism section by working on blocking a left lead punch as you go out side and punching to the kidney with what Allanson-Winn would call a “contracted arm” hit.

I demonstrated some of the similarities between throws in pugilism and jujutsu and talked about how throws were used for boxing matches vs. for self defense.

We then moved on to working on Vigny cane techniques. I did have some loaner canes but about half the participants still did not have canes so we had to work on these techniques slowly so everyone could share. I first had them work on “Guard by Distance” and then since we had so few canes I had them all finish with “The Best Way to Disable a Man who Tries to Rush You.”

Everyone seemed enthused and interested throughout the class. I gave out quite a number of flyers for the seminar in January and all of the business cards I had brought with me. I also sold three copies of the Bartitsu Compendia and one of my Bartitsu DVDs.

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Bartitsu/Defensive Tactics Seminar to Benefit Charity (UK)

  • Originally published on the site on Sunday, 20th November 2011

A day of defensive tactics, including Bartitsu, the lost martial art of Sherlock Holmes, will be held on Sat. December 10 to benefit the Christopher’s Smile charity. Instructors will include Stewart McGill, founder of Urban Krav Maga and others from the Kapap England organisation.

Support this worthy cause by having a go at a Victorian Martial Art, the fighting styles of Bourne and Bond and much much more. Open to all, no previous training required.

Cost: £25 in advance or £30 on the day.

Dress Code: Victorian or Steampunk (Google it !!!)

Contact: (UK) 0781 739 2320 with any queries or to secure a place.

Venue: The Warren (Bromley, UK)

Date/Time: Saturday, December 10, 2011, 11 am-6:00 pm

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