- Originally published on the Bartitsu.org site on Sunday, 5th February 2017
The Friday, 16 October 1903 edition of The Sporting Life included this short description of a self-defence skit performed by Pierre Vigny and “Miss Sanderson”, who was, in her private life, Madame Marguerite Vigny.
The first performance of a new and original sketch entitled “Attacked by Hooligans” written by Frank Howard, who is well known in sporting circles, round Professor Vigny’s new art of self defence, proved a great attraction at the Thursday matinee, for the house was well filled in every part.
The sketch opens with lesson in the professor’s academy, in which Mr. Vigny instructs Miss Saunderson. a lady pupil, in his clever art, and an exhibition how to defend one’s self is given. Then follows a “scrap” between a couple of Hooligans introduced by Mr. Howard, which might be considerably curtailed. The third tableau is a scene in the Clare Market, about the hour of the opening of the theatres. The Professor and his lady pupil are set upon by three Hooligans, whose number is afterwards increased. But so ably does the lady wield her umbrella and the Professor his walking-stick that their assailants are defeated in their fell purpose.
The sketch is a strong one, and highly instructive of what can be done with a common or garden walking stick. The Royal programme is especially strong at present, and the hall is well worth visit.