- Originally published on the Bartitsu.org site on Saturday, 20th October 2018

Participants in the upcoming Bartitsucon 2018 event will experience the full range of Bartitsu training, along with some related skills, as taught by no fewer than six instructors. In addition to the panoply of seminars, the two-day event will also feature interclub sparring in four styles: pugilism, savate assaut, grappling and cane fighting.
Bartitsucon 2018 will take place between November 10-11 at the Redditch Boxing Academy in Redditch, UK. Click here for further details and to book your ticket!
Saturday agenda:
Open and welcome:
Session 1
10 am – 11.30:
Prize Ring Rules: Pugilism and the Science of Self Defence
Tommy Moore, The Bartitsu Lab
- Pugilism techniques 101
- Crafty In-play
- Power generation
- Pugilism vs modern boxing approaches
Session 2:
11.40 – 13.10
Close Range Cane
James Stewart, Dewskitch School of Impact Arts
- Basic grips (and the strikes that best suit)
- Close range cane striking
- Defence against grabs and holds
Lunch: 13.10 – 13.40
Food to be provided. Buffet lunch and drinks.
Session 3: 13.40 – 15.10
Jennifer Garside
Practical ways to use science, subterfuge, ju jitsu and antagonistics to defeat the most seasoned policemen the Met can throw at you. Drawing on the inspirational strategies, studies and techniques of “the Bodyguard”.
Session 4: 15.10 – 16.30
Improvised weapons
Duncan Mcnulty, Bartitsu and Antagonistics Forum
- Flexible weapons
- Coat, cosh, weighted handkerchief
- Improvised weaponry
Session 5: 16.40 – 18.00
Catch Wrestling
Mark Randall
- Smashing people up
- Ripping things off people
- Twisting off heads
Depart / Open mat for sparring and free work 18.00 – 18.45
Sunday agenda:
Open and welcome:
Session 1
9.30 am – 11 am:
Chausson: early Savate
Tommy Moore, The Bartitsu Lab
- Savate kicking techniques 101
- Open hand strikes
- Combination hitting
Session 2:
11.10 – 12.40
Bartitsu-era Ju Jitsu
Peter Smallridge, Basingstoke Bartitsu Irregulars
Joint breaks, locks and Bartitsu grappling, otherwise known as:
“Subjecting the joints of any part of his body, whether neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, knee, ankle, etc. to strain which they are anatomically and mechanically unable to resist.”
Lunch: 12.40 – 13.10
Food to be provided. Buffet lunch and drinks.
13.10 – 16.30: Interclub sparring
Some competitions will be simultaneous in ring / on mats. Participants to email their weight, experience levels.
Competition 1: Pugilism
Medium / controlled contact, x 1 5-minute round, grilled head guard, MMA gloves. Throws and trips allowed. Scoring based on clean shots, control of ring, and technical competence.
Competition 2: Savate
X 3 90 second rounds of Savate Assaut, light continuous contact. Scores based on clean shots, ring craft, ring control and technical competence.
Competition 3: Grappling
X 1 5-minute round.
Gi / No Gi at discretion of participants. Slams / high velocity throws to be avoided wherever possible. Three options of play:
- 1. Ground grappling to a pin / submit (as agreed by participants)
- 2. From standing to a successful throw / takedown
- 3. Full grappling (from standing to submit or pin)
Competition 4: Cane
X 2 2-minute rounds. Gloves, mask and padded stick / or light rattan. Contact levels agreed between participants. Additional padding optional. Striking with limbs allowed. Disarm wins the round. Otherwise scored on clean striking, mat control and technique.